Bring bathrooms into the 21st Century and turn daily shower routines into the ultimate spa like experience, with an array of wellness products available from Crosswater. The popularity of hotel bathroom design combined with the importance of wellbeing and relaxation has increased the demand for innovative wellness products for a luxurious and therapeutic experience at home.
The super slim fixed head designs including the new Elite range, feature multifunctional spray settings where each water flow channel has its own water supply to conserve water when switched to a reduced flow setting. For a feel-good experience switch between waterfall and rainfall shower functions, which can be operated simultaneously with the Revive design. Hailed by the beauty, medical and health sectors, the benefits of wellness products are known to solve many physical and emotional complaints from back pain to anxiety. For an invigorating shower and body massage, choose from a selection of powerful body jets with adjustable pressures to target specific areas of the body to alleviate pain. Seek the benefits of chromotherapy that balances energy and achieves spa wellness with the Rio collection of illuminating showerheads, for a revolutionary LED light showering experience. The low consumption LED lamps create a truly magnificent column of water and light.
A, B, C. Elite Fixed Head: High density ABS, overhead shower £495.00 to be used in conjunction with 2000 valve £395.00.
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